Squarespace Template Customer Showcase: Shannon Quinn Copy

Shannon Quinn Copy website using the Nova Squarespace Template

Name: Shannon Beery

Website: www.shannonquinncopy.com

What do you do/what is your business?: I'm a website copywriter for creatives, creators, and other hip entrepreneurs.

What or who inspires you the most?: Oooh, that's a good one! I'm inspired by all sorts of things. My morning coffee, sunshine streaming over my desk, colorful design, good music, a client's story that's outside the box and one-of-a-kind, my kids, a kitchen dance party, my Instagram DM friends, and all sorts of other good news.

What template did you purchase?: Nova

Why did you choose that particular template?: I saw an opportunity for using my bold brand colors and the hand-drawn swirly line fit with my current visual brand. I also liked that the layout was a good balance of text and imagery and included some movement in the design. The page selection and flow also coincided well with what I needed for my copywriting site.

Why did you want a new website?: After a year in business, I was well overdue in getting my online presence going. I was missing out on reaching prospective clients and without a website, I had to go through the same spiel over and over again with people who had been referred to me.

Why did you choose to purchase one of our templates, rather than a competitors?: I was impressed by the variety of designs as well as the rave reviews from previous customers. I also appreciated that I'd get to learn Squarespace in the process and could then really go in and make a templated site feel more custom. I also couldn't believe how much value I was getting for the cost.

How did you feel before you created your new website?: I knew I wanted a professional-looking website but I wasn't yet in the position to hire a designer to create a custom site. I'd had enough experience with art direction and working with a graphic design & branding agency to know a good thing when I saw it and that I'd have the skills to make it come to life.

How do you feel now that you have launched your new site?: SO DAMN HAPPY! (And relieved!)

How do you think your business is going to benefit from your new website?: It's been live for 3 days and I've already received a site-based inquiry as well as several opt-ins to my newsletter. So..... I'd say my new website is going to give me a big boost for 2022!

How did you find the whole Squarespace Template process from purchase to launch?: Working with the Big Cat Creative template was a dream. From the minute I clicked Purchase, I was given clear, easy-to-digest instructions for every single step. Emails were concise and easy to follow. Then, once I got into the how-to/building process, I was blown away by how simple (and organized!!!!!) it all was. Yes, it took quite a chuck of time to make it through the steps, but I have complete confidence that I've been equipped with the know-how to make my own changes going forward and adjust them to make them my own. I seriously cannot get over how great of an experience this was from start to finish.

What's your fav series on Netflix right now?: Luther (it's an oldie, but so good)

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