Why you should sell website templates, even if you're booked with clients!

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Let's face it, you probably started your own website design business so that you could have more free time, not less. Drowning in client projects or spending the rest of your time trying to secure the next ones is not really what you had envisioned. Other web designers seem to be working less and making more, so why can't you?

We'll let you in on a little secret, diversifying your revenue streams and sprinkling in some passive income is key, and selling website templates could just be the perfect option for you! 👩‍💻

Now if finance words like "revenue stream" get your eyes glazing over, here's a layman definition to keep you in the loop. Basically, as a web designer in today's ultra competitive digital world, you don't want to be relying on one source of income only (aka your clients). This can be risky (what if you don't get your target number of client projects one month and can't pay your bills?) but also limits your opportunities for growth (you've only got a certain number of hours a week that you can trade for money).

Ideally, you want to have income coming into your pocket from a couple of different places at least, so if one doesn't quite do it's thing, the other one will make up for it (and more!). This is where a passive income stream, like selling website templates, is also ideal. You can keep working on your client projects, and make extra income alongside it without much extra effort!

Not convinced? Here's a few more reasons why we think you should be selling website templates, even if you're booked with clients! 👇

Earn passive income

Selling website templates allows you to generate passive income, which as we mentioned above, is what any small business owner should be aiming for to stress less about money and get their weekends back!

The hard-yards are in creating your template designs. Though you can just look at it as a fun exercise in which you can let your creativity and web design skills run wild! Once you've created and listed your templates, you will need to do some marketing to make sales. But they can continue to sell without tons of extra work on your part.

Have more freedom

Really, that's what you started your web design business for. Working 9 - 5 was a no, and working for someone else even less so, but client work has been slowly taking over all of your time (evenings, weekends, holidays, etc.).

Selling website templates means your business can earn without you. This means that even when you're busy with client work or taking the afternoon off to spend at the beach, your bank balance will be going up, not down 💸

Grow your business

No longer trading your precious time for money also leaves plenty of room for you to actually scale your web design business.

Having more time, means that you can spend it on more important things that will help your business grow (rather than just keeping your head above the water). You'll be able to spend time reevaluating your processes, experimenting with new marketing methods, and working out more ways that you can make even more income.

Selling website templates means you'll be able to actually work on your business, and not just in it.

And if you’re wanting to learn more about how to have a successful web design business, check out our FREE training for web designers. It’s completely free and full of nuggets of wisdom we’ve learned over the years. 👇


Serve more clients

Selling website templates also means that you'll be able to reach a wider audience beyond your current client base. We're sure you've come across a client that really wanted to work with you but couldn't afford your services at least once!

Creating website templates in your unique style means that more people will have the opportunity to access your expertise and design skills at a more affordable price.

Showcase your style and expertise

Website templates can also serve as a portfolio, showcasing your skills and style to potential clients and positioning you as an expert in the field.

If they like what they see but feel that they need something a little more custom, they'll be much more likely to reach out to you for a custom client project!

👉 Want to learn what it takes to set up a successful template shop? Check out our free training!

If you're interested in learning more about what it takes to have a successful web design biz, Paige is offering a completely free, "Profitable & Productive Bootcamp” March 31st to April 2nd! It's basically a roadmap for web designers to follow if they want a successful business without the stress of having to figure it all out on their own. It'll be a jam-packed 3 days–you seriously don't want to miss it! Save your seat here!


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