How & why you should repurpose your blog content

Blogging can be a bit of a laborious task, but a lot of us do it. I’m always encouraging business owners to take up blogging for their biz, because my business has really benefited from blogging and I know that it’s an incredible marketing strategy.

But it is time consuming, and uses a lot of brain power, and as my business gets busier and busier I often think to myself, how far can I stretch this content? And the truth is, you can stretch it pretty far.

Repurposing your blog posts (and any other content you create) is a great way to get more new eyes on the same message. You spend so much time putting together this awesome blog post, but you post it once, it has its 15 minutes of fame and then it just disappears, and you go on to spend more time creating more new content. I totally get it, it’s an exhausting cycle.  

You don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel. Yeah, creating lots of fresh new content is good and kudos to you if you’re doing it, but if you’re pulling your hair out trying to think of new ideas or find the time to write these posts, consider repurposing your old content.

Related Post > How to Blog Consistently & Frequently

The myth about repurposing your old posts is that it’s cheating, and I totally understand feeling like that, but it’s NOT.

Think about it this way: when you promote your new blog post only once, you’re actually doing a disservice to your audience. You’re creating this content for them, right? So if you’re only posting it once, or only posting it as a written blog, there’s a good chance they’re missing out on amazing, valuable, FREE content that will actually help them.

Try to think of repurposing your content as more ways to help and get through to your audience.

If you need more convincing:

The benefits of repurposing your content

  1. Helps you reach your audience in different ways:

    Everyone responds differently to digesting information and content. For example, there’s actually a really large percentage of people who don’t like reading blog posts, and would rather watch a video tutorial or listen to a podcast about it. There’s a huge untapped market for people who maybe would rather not read a blog post, but are still really interested in your content.

  2. Saves you time:

    Ding ding ding! This might be the winning reason to repurpose your content. Time? Who has spare time as a business owner? Not me! So if I can save time by tweaking a few blog posts and turning them into new mediums, I would be all about that.

  3. Your message gets heard:

    Because you’re reinforcing the same message/advice/ideas, and it’s now getting more eyes on it, your message will be heard. Whatever awesome content you have created, it’s getting more eyes on it and more people are seeing and hearing your unique point of view. This is awesome for your brand and business. Being consistent and repetitive is a key part of building a successful brand, so if you create content that really aligns with what you believe and what your business mission is, you can feel confident that repurposing and re-sharing it will only solidify your brand even more.


So, how can you repurpose your content?

Share share share!

Ok, this isn’t technically repurposing, but I couldn’t write this post without saying it. Share your posts more than once!

People are not going to get sick of seeing you share about your blog post, because honestly, they probably missed you post about it the fist two times.

Social media isn’t going to show your post to everyone the first time, that’s just not how it works, so consider the fact that probably only 10% of your audience has seen your post, and post it again.

Also, there’s a good chance you’re continually gaining more audience, so they wouldn’t have seen these posts either, especially if you’ve been blogging for a long time.

And yes, you can repost your really old posts! As long as the content is still relevant, and is going to help your audience, go ahead a share something that you posted 2 years ago!

You also should consider sharing your blog posts to Pinterest. Pinterest is the only social media (technically it’s not social media, but that’s another post) that has a really long shelf life, your posts can live for years on Pinterest if you do it right. It’s awesome for getting eyes on old, forgotten blog posts.

Related Post > How to Use Pinterest For Business

1. Create a course

If you’re constantly teaching people how to do things (for example I teach a lot of Design Tutorials on my blog) then you’re going to already have the audience, and half of the content, to be able to create a course.

Obviously this isn’t a huge time saving technique, because creating courses are hard, but they’re a really great investment. You can use all of your blog post content in your course and build on it, you definitely don’t need to start from scratch if you already have a huge amount of content sitting there ready to be refreshed!

You could even just create a free course, which could be great as a freebie offer to grow you email list!

Related Post > Why You Need An Email List

2. Infographics

Create an infographic for your blog post, and then post it on social media and Pinterest. People love infographics as a quick way to see what the post is about, and a quick way to understand how to do something. They’re really eye catching and usually do well on social media, especially Pinterest. This gives your audience a chance to share the infographic, and of course they can click through to read the original content. This is a really quick way to repurpose your content!

Another awesome type of infographic is one created for your Instagram story or IGTV! EG A series of images / graphics that show and explain the main points in your blog post.

3. Podcast

This can go both ways, turn your blog post into a Podcast or turn your Podcast into a blog post, either way, you’re covering two of the biggest audiences: readers and listeners. 

4. Video

Similar to a podcast, but a little bit more personal. Film a video for YouTube (or you could even show up live on Facebook or Instagram!) of yourself talking through a blog post or idea, or even just the main points of a blog post to grab your audience's attention, to lead them to your blog post. The cool thing about doing videos on YouTube is that you’re not only repurposing your content but you’re also breaking into another large social platform where you’ll tap into a new audience. And Facebook and Instagram lives are fantastic for growing those platforms but also connecting with people in a live, personal setting.

5. Live webinar

Live webinars are an amazing way to engage with your audience. Either do a live webinar on a topic then write a blog post about it afterwards (or just transcribe the webinar, even faster!) or create your blog post then host a live webinar to have an open discussion about it and answer any questions about it. This is a great way to connect with your audience, and when you’re done with the webinar, post a replay of it on your site so everyone can watch. Webinars are awesome because you have to get people to sign up for them, which means you will have their email addresses to add to your email list.

 6. Video tutorial

If you’re creating tutorials on your blog, consider creating these in video format, too. About 50% of people prefer to watch tutorials in video format over reading them in a blog post, so if you create a video tutorial, you’ll be targeting a huge portion of the market. And you can then post these to YouTube and Facebook, even IGTV!

7. E-book

Compile all of your blog posts into an e-book. If you’re often blogging about a particular topic, this is a great way to be able to directly use your blog content and promote it as a content upgrade. For example, I have a lot of Blog Posts about using Squarespace, so I could compile all these into an “Ultimate Squarespace Guide E-Book” and offer it for free to get more people into my list!

8. Update your old posts

If you’ve been blogging for a while, there’s a good chance you have some old awesome content that’s going unnoticed. Instead of writing a blog post from scratch, go through your old posts and update them with some fresh ideas (I do this a lot, actually — even this post has been refreshed and reposted recently! 

9. Email newsletters

Use your blog posts to create your email newsletter. Emailing your list regularly is actually quite a big task. I almost always base the topic of my email newsletters on one of the posts I have recently posted. This means I don’t have to think of a completely new topic and I can mirror some of the copy that I use in my blog post. It also means more eyes on my blog posts!

I hope you enjoyed these tips for repurposing blog posts!

Want more? Check out our fav blogging tips below!

How to start a Blog with Squarespace (2021)
How to link to your Blog Categories on your Squarespace Site
How to add a blog sidebar to your Squarespace site (7.1 and 7.0)
6 blog design tips for Squarespace
How to automatically post your Squarespace blogs to social media
How to create a blog post template in Squarespace


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